Academic Papers
Current Working Papers
The Effects of Medical Debt Relief: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments with Ray Kluender, Francis Wong, and Wesley Yin. Accepted, Quarterly Journal of Economics
- Links: NBER WP 32315
- Coverage: The New York Times The Guardian Vox Stanford News J-PAL Summary Forbes 1 Forbes 2 Saint Louis Public Radio Tradeoffs Podcast Bloomberg
- Op-ed: We're Paying Off Medical Debt Wrong with Ray Kluender and Francis Wong, The Hill
Selling Subscriptions with Liran Einav and Ben Klopack. Conditionally Accepted, American Economic Review
- Links: NBER WP 31547
- Coverage: NPR Morning Edition Financial Times MarketWatch Fortune Stanford News Business Insider USA Today The Wall Street Journal
Producing Health: Measuring Value Added of Nursing Homes with Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein. Conditionally Accepted, Econometrica
- Links: NBER WP 30228
Published and Forthcoming
Financial Incentives to Facilities and Clinicians Treating Patients With End-stage Kidney Disease and Use of Home Dialysis: A Randomized Clinical Trial with Yunan Ji, Liran Einav, and Amy Finkelstein. JAMA Health Forum. 2022; 3(10)
Principles for Combining Descriptive and Model-Based Analysis in Applied Microeconomics Research. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Vol. 36. No. 3. Summer 2022 (pp 211-22)
- Links: Published Manuscript
Trends in Medical Debt During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Ben Guttman-Kenney, Ray Kluender, Francis Wong, Xuyang Xia, and Wes Yin. JAMA Health Forum. 2022; 3(5)
The Impact of Financial Assistance Programs on Health Care Utilization with Alyce Adams, Ray Kluender, Jinglin Wang, Francis Wong, and Wes Yin. Accepted, American Economics Review: Insights. Vol. 4, No. 3 September 2022 (pp. 389-407)
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 29227
- Coverage: Stanford News
What Determines Consumer Financial Distress? Place- and Person-Based Factors with Benjamin J. Keys and Hanbin Yang. Review of Financial Studies. 2023
Hospital Lawsuits Over Unpaid Bills Increased By 37 Percent In Wisconsin From 2001 To 2018 with Zack Cooper and James Han. Health Affairs. Vol. 40. No. 12 (2021).
- Coverage: The Wall Street Journal Bloomberg Wisconsin State Journal NBC 15 Modern Healthcare Becker's Hospital Review
Voluntary Regulation: Evidence from Medicare Payment Reform with Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Yunan Ji. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Volume 137, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 565-618.
The IO of Selection Markets with Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein. The Handbook of Industrial Organization. Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 389-426 (2021).
Medical Debt in the US, 2009-2020 with Ray Kluender, Francis Wong, and Wes Yin. JAMA. 2021; 326(3):250-256.
Long-Term Care Hospitals: A Case Study in Waste with Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein. Review of Economics and Statistics. August 2021.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 24946
- Coverage: The New York Times Forbes
Randomized Trial Shows Healthcare Payment Reform Has Equal-Sized Spillover Effects on Patients Not Targeted by Reform with Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Yunan Ji. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 11, 2020. 117(23) 18939-18947.
Bad Credit, No Problem? Credit and Labor Market Consequences of Bad Credit Reports with Will Dobbie, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, and Jae Song. Journal of Finance, 75.3 (2020): 2377-2419.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 227711
- Coverage: Chicago Booth Review Chicago Booth Review Video Series Chicago Booth Review Comic
How Do Americans Repay Their Debt? The Balance-Matching Heuristic with John Gathergood, Neil Stewart, and Jörg Weber. Economics Bulletin, 39.2 (2019).
How Do Individuals Repay Their Debt? The Balance-Matching Heuristic with John Gathergood, Neil Stewart, and Jörg Weber. American Economic Review, 109.3 (2019): 844-75.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 24161
- Coverage: Chicago Booth Review Bloomberg The Washington Post Quartz
Externalities and Taxation of Supplemental Insurance: A Study of Medicare and Medigap with Marika Cabral. AEJ: Applied Economics, 11.2 (2019): 37-73.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 19787
- Coverage: NPR
Provider Incentives and Health Care Costs: Evidence from Long-Term Care Hospitals with Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein. Econometrica, 86.6 (2018): 2161-2219.
Mandatory Medicare Bundled Payment Program for Lower Extremity Joint Replacement and Discharge to Institutional Postacute Care: Interim Analysis of the First Year of a 5-Year Randomized Trial with Amy Finkelstein, Yunan Ji, and Jonathan Skinner. JAMA, 320.9 (2018): 892–900.
- Coverage: Orthopedics Today Bloomberg The New York Times.
Do Larger Health Insurance Subsidies Benefit Patients or Producers? Evidence from Medicare Advantage with Marika Cabral and Michael Geruso. American Economic Review, 108.8 (2018): 2048-87.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 20470
- Coverage: Microeconomic Insights
Do Expiring Budgets Lead to Wasteful Year-End Spending? Evidence from Federal Procurement with Jeffrey B. Liebman. American Economic Review, 107.11 (2017): 3510-3549.
- Links: Published Manuscript Online Appendix NBER WP 19481
- Coverage: NPR Times of India The Wall Street Journal Federal Computer Week Boston Globe National Affairs NBER Digest NPR Marketplace
Do Banks Pass Through Credit Expansions to Consumers Who Want to Borrow? with Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, and Johannes Stroebel. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133.1 (2018): 129-190.
- Links: Published Manuscript Online Appendix
- Coverage: The Economist FT Alphaville Washington Center for Equitable Growth NBER Digest.
Imperfect Competition in Selection Markets with E. Glen Weyl. Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(4): 637-651, October 2017.
- Links: Published Manuscript
Regulating Consumer Financial Products: Evidence from Credit Cards with Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, and Johannes Stroebel. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(1), February 2015.
- Links: Published Manuscript
- Coverage: Microeconomic Insights American Banker HBR Blog Network The New York Times American Banker Slate NBER Digest
Bankruptcy as Implicit Health Insurance American Economic Review, 105(2): 710-46, February, 2015.
- Links: Published Manuscript Online Appendix.
- Coverage: Cheap Talk Blog Chicago Policy Review
A Simple Framework for Estimating Consumer Benefits from Regulating Hidden Fees with Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, and Johannes Stroebel. Journal of Legal Studies, 43(S2): S239-S252, June 2014.
- Links: Published Manuscript
Pricing and Welfare in Health Plan Choice with M. Kate Bundorf and Jonathan Levin. American Economic Review, 102(7): 3214-48, December, 2012.
Non-Refereed Papers
Economics Principles to Guide the Allocation of COVID-19 Provider Relief Funds with Zack Cooper. Health Affairs Blog, July 9, 2020
What Does (Formal) Health Insurance Do, And For Whom? with Amy Finkelstein and Matthew J. Notowidigdo. Annual Review of Economics. 10:261-286, August, 2018.
- Links: Published Manuscript NBER WP 23718
- Coverage: Chicago Booth Review
Credit Market Consequences of Credit Flag Removals with Will Dobbie and Benjamin J. Keys.
Messaging and the Mandate: The Impact of Consumer Experience on Health Insurance Enrollment Through Exchanges with Natalie Cox, Benjamin Handel, and Jonathan Kolstad. American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, May, 2015.
Competition Policy in Selection Markets with Andre Veiga and E. Glen Weyl. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 10(1), October, 2014.